Step 2. Plug USB cable(type C end) to your PC.
Step 1. Please download
Debian 8.10 2018-02-01 4GB SD SeeedStudio IoT
image from
Step 2. Please use the
to burn images to SD cards.
Step 3. We can see the linux command line on the screen.
Step 4. If we want to use the graphic UI. Please follow below instructions to install lxde.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lxde lxde-core lxde-icon-theme
Trouble shooting
1. No BeagleBone desktop operation system is shown on the computer monitor? Try
one of following steps.
Power down the monitor and restart it.
Press RESET button on BeagleBone Green board.
Press POWER button on BeagleBone Green board and then press it again.
2. The computer mouse does not work(not powered)?
Press RESET button on BeagleBone Green board and wait it to launch.
3. How disassemble BeagleBone Green HDMI Cape quickly?