Quick Troubleshooting Guide
This is a quick troubleshooting reference guide. Keep this by your seed counter as a reference for the most
common and simple problems that may come up. This guide should solve most common problems without
contacting the service department. If not, contact the service department at the number listed at the end of this
guide. Lookup the problem your having, read the possible causes, and follow the possible solutions one by one in
the order they are listed.
Possible causes
Possible solutions
Nothing comes on
1. Dead outlet
2. Power cord not plugged
3. Fuse blown
1. Make sure the outlet that the counter is in is working.
2. Make sure the counter is plugged into a known good outlet.
3. Unplug the unit. Check fuse.
Counts come out
1. Feeder speed is too high
2. There is unwanted debris
or partial seeds in your
3. Sensitivity set too high
4. Unit out of calibration
1. If the feeder speed is set too high there won't be an even flow of
seeds and two seeds can go by the detector at once counting as
one piece.
2. Make sure you are using a clean sample
3. If the sensitivity is set too high for small seeds they wont be
detected. Turn the sensitivity lower until the unit starts counting.
Refer to the operating instructions to set the unit back up.
4. If the above suggestions do not resolve the problem then call the
service department for an RMA #.
Counts come out
1. There is unwanted debris
or partial seeds in your
2. Sensitivity set too low
3. Unit out of calibration
1. Make sure you are using a clean sample
2. If the sensitivity is set too low the unit will count debris and partial
seeds. Turn the sensitivity knob clockwise until the unit stops
counting unwanted material. Refer to the operating instructions to
set the unit back up.
3. If the above suggestions do not resolve the problem then call the
service department for an RMA #.
Unit counts by itself
1. Sensitivity set too low
2. Light getting into chute
1. Set the sensitivity higher to lower the sensitivity.
2. If there is a flickering fluorescent light, sunlight, or incandescent
bulb shining in the chute it will cause this type of problem. Move the
machine to another location to solve this problem.
Unit will not count
1. Debris blocking detector
2. Sensitivity set too high
3. Unit out of calibration
1. Look inside chute and remove any debris stuck in chute.
2. Set the sensitivity to a lower number.
3. If the above suggestions do not resolve the problem then call the
service department for an RMA #.
Feeder not working
at all
1. Feeder not plugged in
2. Blown feeder control
1. Plug feeder into the receptacle on the back of the counter.
2. Contact the service department for further instructions.