supports Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) and Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES)
FORBID ---Forbid the encryption function.
WEP -- The shared key performs the encryption before data wireless
transports, you could communicate with the wireless devices which
use the same shared key.
TKIP --TKIP uses the stricter encryption rules than the WEP, and also
use the existing WLAN arithmetic to realize the encryption. TKIP will
verify the security configuration after shared key encryption is realized.
AES --AES is a symmetrical encryption technology with 128 bits, it
could work in the multi-layer at the same time.
WPA shared key.
This option could be started until you choose WPA-PSK or
WPA2-PSK. Choose
in the area of
to start the encryption process. Notice: 8-64 characters are
Key configuration
This option could be configured until you choose WEP in the area of
Data encryption. WEP is 64/128 bits data, used encrypt and decrypt
data packet.
Display key
After choosing this option, your configuration key will be displayed.