SAM-MZ - Multi Zone Digital Signage Player
Changing Zone 1 – Movies and Images
To change the movies and images in Zone 1, simply select which media files you wish to be played, then publish them to
the player.
Check that the correct SAM-MZ is displayed at the top right of the main Window and that the icon is green.
Click the icon on the toolbar for ‘Zone 1 Files’
The below screen will be displayed
In this example, there are four media items uploaded – 2xJPG images, 1xWMV
movie and 1xMP4 movie.
To ADD a new item to the media list, click ‘Add’. Browse to an image or movie file and double-click it to add it to
the list. Many common formats are supported.
To DELETE an item from the media list, select that item in the list above. Then click ‘Delete’. CAUTION: The item
is removed immediately.
Changes you make to the Zone1 Files list are saved on the fly. If you close the Window any changes already made are
retained to make it easy to publish them at a later time.
Files listed in the Zone1 Files window are listed *and* played back in alphabetical order. To change the playback sequence
you need to re-name the media files before adding them to the list.
When you have modified the list to your satisfaction, simply click ‘Publish All’.
NOTE: If you accidentally uploaded an exceptionally large file, you can
click ‘Cancel’ in this window to abort the transfer.
The ‘File Transfer Status’ window appears. The media files you selected are transferred. When complete, the file
transfer window will close automatically.
The media files you selected will now be displayed on screen.
NOTE: It is not recommended that you only upload a single image file. In some scenarios doing so could cause
damage to your display screen.