SBC-984 User Manual - Rev. First Edition: 1.0 - Last Edition: 4.0 - Author: S.B. - Reviewed by N.P. Copyright © 2016 SECO S.r.l.
Finally, USB On-The-Go interface, native for NXP i.MX6 processor, is carried out through a standard
micro-AB connector, described in the table on the left.
Depending on the needed use of SBC-984 board, it is necessary to connect micro-A or micro-B USB
cables to connector CN5.
When a micro-A USB cable is used, since its USB_ID pin is tied to GND, then the board configures itself to work as a
Host. In this case, +5V
is a power output of SBC-984 board for the connected device.
When a micro-B USB cable is used, its USB_ID pin is floating; this way, the board acknowledges that it must configure
itself to work as a Client. In this case, +5V
is a power input of SBC-984 board from the external Host.
Signals description:
/USB_P1-: USB Port #1 differential pair; it is managed SMS USB 2514 USB Hub controller Downstream Port #1.
/USB_P2-: USB Port #2 differential pair; it is managed SMS USB 2514 USB Hub controller Downstream Port #2.
/USB_P4-: USB Port #4 differential pair; it is managed SMS USB 2514 USB Hub controller Downstream Port #4.
/USB_H2-: Secondary USB Port #2 differential pair; it is managed by SMSC USB2412 secondary USB Hub controller, Downstream Port #2.
USB_OTG-/: USB OTG differential pair, directly managed by NXP i.MX6 USB OTG port.
USB_ID: USB Identification pin. It is the signal used in the micro-AB connectors to differentiate between micro-A cables (to be used for Host connection) and
micro-B cables (to be used for Client connection).
Micro-AB USB connector - CN5
Pin Signal