CCOMe-C96 - Rev. First Edition: 1.0 - Last Edition: 1.0 - Author: A.R. - Reviewed by C.M. Copyright © 2021 SECO S.p.A.
On the carrier board, there are four momentary pushbuttons (with contacts normally open) for the direct handling of COM Express power management signals.
The first pushbutton, M1, is placed on SYS_RESET# signal. Upon the pressure of this pushbutton, the COM Express module will perform a reset.
The second pushbutton, M2, is placed on POWER_BTN# signal. Upon the pressure of this pushbutton, the COM Express module will perform a power up / power
down sequence.
The third pushbutton, M3, is placed on LID # signal. Such a signal can be used by the COM Express module to detect the opening / the closure of an external lid
switch, like those used to detect opening / closure of the notebooks. Upon changes in LID # state, the OS could trigger the transition of the module from Working
to Sleep status, or vice versa.
The fourth pushbutton, M4, is placed on SLEEP# signal. Upon the pressure of this pushbutton, the COM Express module will enter in a sleep state (if such states
are supported by the module).