2.2 Assembly of dinghies with high-pressure inflatable floors
• Unfold the deflated dinghy.
• Check that the valves are functioning. The check valve must be closed.
• Inflate the buoyancy tubes on the dinghy, by switching between valves at
regular intervals to maintain equal air pressure between chambers.
Never inflate one chamber completely at a time.
• Inflate the buoyancy tubes to 0.25 bars.
• Inflate the inflatable floor sections to a pressure of 0.80 bars. Use a pump,
which allows you to switch to higher pressure.
• Once all of the chambers are inflated, check the air pressure with the supplied
air pressure gauge.
2.1 Assembly of dinghies with slatted floors
• Unfold the deflated dinghy. Before inflating the dinghy, check that each of the
floor slats is in the correct position. The dinghy can be packed up with the floor
slats, but it is advisable to remove them when cleaning the boat.
• Check that the valves are functioning. The check valve must be closed.
• Inflate the boat to half pressure
• Check the position of the floor slats again. Inflate the boat completely by
switching between valves at regular intervals, in order to maintain equal air
pressure between the chambers. Never inflate one chamber completely at a
SVB Spezialversand für Yacht- & Bootszubehör 2016
SVB Spezialversand für Yacht- & Bootszubehör 2016