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Possible Solution
Picture or sound is noisy
on one channel
Coaxial cable is disconnected
or loose.
Reconnect the cable and hang-tighten if loose.
Sound from only one
stereo speaker
Cable connections are disconnected
or loose.
Hand-tighten or reconnect the cables properly. Ensure that wires
are not frayed and plugs are not bent or broken.
No power
Power cord is disconnected.
Reconnect the power cord. Ensure that the DCT 5000 is plugged
into an outlet that is always live.
Remote control does
not work
Dead batteries.
Obstruction between remote and
cable terminal.
Remote isn’t set in cable TV mode.
Change the batteries in your remote control according to the
instructions in the section, “Installing Batteries.”
Ensure that nothing is on the DCT 5000 or blocking a clear line
of sight between it and the remote control.
on the remote control.
Poor audio quality
For best audio quality, use the remote control to set the DCT
5000 to approximately ¾ of maximum volume level and then
adjust the audio levels on the external devices.