YK509f, YK759f.V2 | issue 2 05/03/18
Original Language Version
© Jack sealey limited
5. iNsTallaTioN
securely attach the press to a flat, firm, level surface taking into account clearance for working pieces.
! the press is top heavy. if it requires moving after assembly or for relocation, use suitable slings around the top crossbeam,
or lift direct with a forklift with the forks located under the top crossbeam.
do NoT
use a pallet truck.
purge hydraulic system.
Before operating the press, the hydraulic system may require purging in order to eliminate any air that may have built up during transit.
open the release valve by turning anti-clockwise and pump the handle several times.
should the system malfunction at any time, repeating this procedure may resolve the problem.
! Press’s are purpose designed to withstand greater loads than the hydraulic units can develop. for safety reasons, always
ensure the workpiece is secured on the table to ensure loads that flex will not suddenly “give” causing danger to operator or damage to
component. ensure you have read and understood chapter 1 safety instructions.
6. operaTioN
set the bed frame at the desired height, if adjustment is required, turn the hand winch until the cable just takes the weight of the bed
frame, remove the safety clips (13) from the back of the pins (12), see fig.3 and withdraw the pins. use the hand winch to raise or lower
the bed frame to the height required, insert pins and safety clips (fig.4). slacken off the hand winch so that the pins are taking the full
weight of the bed frame.
check that the release valve on the hydraulic unit is fully closed, ready for operation.
locate the flat pressing plates or the v-blocks on to the bed frame, push down the locating pins to ensure the plates do not slip. Place
workpiece onto the plates and position the head of the hydraulic unit on the centre of the workpiece using an appropriate extension.
care must be taken to ensure the plates do not fall from the bed frame.
WarNiNG! do NoT
apply off centre loads.
When work is complete turn the release valve anti-clockwise to release the pressure and the piston and the ram head will retract
Always keep the piston retracted after use.