background image

4.  contents


system component identification:

Black battery clamp (NEG-)  6 

Power Lead

Red battery clamp (POS+) 

Black Clip (Sensor lead)

Pick-up loop 


Yellow Clip (Sensor lead)

Indicator Light 


Sensor lead 

Piezo clamp (diesel sensor)

5.  set UP & oPerAtion




You must use a monitoring device such as a timing light, engine analyser 


or multimeter in conjunction with the diesel converter box in order to be able 


to read rPm on the device’s display. the most common use for this 


information will be for setting a constant engine speed for diesel engine 


smoke testing. remember to set up your monitoring device for the correct 


number of cylinders.


ensure that the vehicle ignition is off. locate the fuel pipes connecting the 


pump to the fuel injectors. For engine timing purposes the Piezo Clamp 


should be attached to the pipe going to the no.1 cylinder.



Fix the Piezo Clamp (5) onto a straight section of the Injector fuel pipe for


the no.1 cylinder as close to the pump as possible in order to get the 


strongest reading. the Piezo clamp and fuel pipe should be clean and dry. 


make sure that the Piezo clamp is in full contact with the fuel pipe but 


do not 

overtighten as this could cause damage to the sensor within the clamp. 


Take the Sensor Lead and connect the YELLOW clip (8) to one of the 


adjustable fixings on the clamp and the BLACK clip (7) to the same Injector 


fuel pipe to which the clamp is connected. 





 ensure that the Black sensor clip 

does not

 touch any of the 


Glow Plugs and associated mountings or wiring as this may cause a short


circuit which could disable engine operation and may damage any connected


monitoring device.


take the Power lead and connect the red clamp (2) to the positive side of the vehicle battery and the BlAcK clamp (1) to  



the negative of the battery. note: the monitoring device used i.e. A timing light, engine Analyzer or digital multimeter may also  



be powered from the vehicle’s battery.



Attach the inductive pickup from your chosen monitoring device e.g. a timing light, onto the Pickup loop (3) on the converter box. if the  


timing light inductive pickup has an arrow mark, ensure that the mark is face up when attached to the  Pickup loop.



start the engine and allow it to reach operating temperature,  then read the results from the timing light. the indicator light on the    


converter box (4) should flash consistently. If the indicator light does not flash, check all the connections or relocate the Piezo  



Clamp to another section of the fuel pipe. Note: Low vehicle battery, defective Injector Pump, or lack of fuel may prevent the Indicator  


light from flashing.

oPerAtion diAGrAm


L95 | Issue: 2 (L) 29/09/17

Original Language Version

© Jack sealey limited
