Pump the handle 20-30 times to purge the hydraulic system.
close the release valve by turning the handle clockwise.
remove the filler plug before pumping the jack up to its full height. now reinstall the filler plug and replace the cover plate.
When raising a vehicle, be sure to set the parking brake and chock the wheels. Perform jacking operations only on solid ground
(eg: concrete), free from spillages and debris.
Position the lifting saddle of the jack under the desired lifting point (check vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations).
the super rocket lift will raise the saddle rapidly to the vehicle lifting point with the minimum of handle strokes.
Before lowering the jack, be sure that the area beneath the vehicle is clear of any persons/obstructions.
sloWlY open the release valve by turning the handle anticlockwise. When the lifting arm is in its lowest position, remove the jack from
under the vehicle.
When the jack is not in use, keep the ram fully retracted and the release valve closed.
clean the jack regularly and oil/grease all pivoting sections every 3 months (more often if using jack in extremely dry/dusty conditions).
check the oil level frequently (see section 4.1).
check the piston and piston rod periodically for signs of rust/corrosion.
should you suspect the jack to be damaged or in any way unsafe, remove from service immediately and contact your authorised sealey
dealer for advice and repairs.
At the end of the jack’s serviceable life, drain the oil from it and dispose of according to local authority guidelines.
t e
possible cause
Jack will not lift the load
1) overloaded
2) oil level low
3) release valve not correctly closed
4) Air in system
5) Piston rod not functioning
6) Packing worn or defective
1) Be sure to use jack with adequate capacity
2) top up oil level
3) check and close release valve
4) open release valve and pump the handle a few times.
close valve and re-try
5) clean and replace oil
6) replace packing
Jack does not lift high enough
or feels “spongy”
1) oil level too high or too low
2) Worn seals
3) Air in system
4) release valve not closed
1) fill or remove excess oil
2) return jack to local service agent
3) open release valve and pump the handle a few times.
close valve and re-try
4) check and close release valve
Jack lifts poorly
1) Pump packing or valves malfunctioning
2) oil is dirty
3) Air in the system
1) replace packing and/or clean valves
2) replace oil
3) open release valve and pump the handle a few times.
close valve and re-try
Jack lifts but will not hold load
1) release valve partially open
2) dirt on valve seats
3) Air in system
4) faulty seals
5) Packing worn or defective
1) check and close release valve
2) lower jack, close release valve. Place foot on front wheel
and pull up lifting arm to it’s full height by hand.
open the release valve to lower arm
3) open release valve and pump the handle a few times.
close valve and re-try
4) replace packing or contact local service agent
5) replace packing
Jack will not lower completely
1) unit requires lubrication
2) Piston rod bent or damaged
3) Jack frame/link system distorted due to
overloading/poor positioning
4) Air in system
5) release valve partially closed
6) Jack spring damaged or unhooked.
1) oil all external moving parts
2) replace rod or contact local service agent
3) replace damaged parts or contact local service agent
4) open release valve and pump the handle a few times.
close valve and re-try
5) check and fully open release valve
6) replace spring or contact local service agent
Jack does not lower at all
1) release valve closed
1) check and fully open release valve
3015cXd.V2 | issue:1 27/04/17
Original Language Version
© Jack sealey limited