4. INstallatIoN
1. safety
Consideration should be given to the placing of the safe to ensure that it is placed in a discreet location and will not be easily found by
This safe is heavy (33.5kg) and care should be exercised in transit and handling to ensure that no one is injured.
Do Not drill holes in the casing for fixing purposes, this could undermine fire resistance. this is a free standing safe.
Do Not
install in areas where damp and condensation may be present, underground or cellars for example.
The warnings, cautions and instructions referred to in this instruction manual cannot cover all possible conditions and situations
that may occur. It must be understood that common sense and caution are factors which cannot be built into this product, but must be applied
by the operator.
Thank you for purchasing a Sealey Product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions and properly
maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.
Please ReaD tHese INstRUCtIoNs CaRefUlly. Note tHe safe oPeRatIoNal ReQUIReMeNts, WaRNINGs aND
CaUtIoNs. Use tHIs PRoDUCt CoRReCtly aND WItH CaRe foR tHe PURPose foR WHICH It Is INteNDeD. faIlURe to Do so May
CaUse DaMaGe aND/oR PeRsoNal INJURy, aND WIll INValIDate tHe WaRRaNty. Please KeeP INstRUCtIoNs foR fUtURe
Original Language Version
Heavy-duty *ABS shell with four bolt door locking mechanism. Dual wall filled with **cellular concrete for fire resistance and thermal
insulation. Electronic panel with LCD screen, accepts thousands of 6 digit codes. •Also supplied with two emergency override keys. Offers
up to one hour fire resistance with UL approval.
Keep the cabinet key and any record of the code separate from the cabinet and unidentified.
ABS Flame Retardant with UL 94 VO High Classification for strength and impact resistance.
Cellular concrete is a non-flammable solid building material which belongs to building material category A1, offering a shield against heat in
the event of a fire.
© Jack Sealey Ltd 2013
eleCtRoNIC fIRe PRoof safe
450 X 380 X 305mm
Red button
Battery compartment
depress tab and lift
off cover.
Yellow * button
Keyhole plug
LCD display
Coding buttons
Lever handle
Green # button
To open
SCFS04 ISSUE - 2 (I) - 20/08/13
Separate battery
module jack plug
socket beneath
3. sPeCIfICatIoNs
Model No:
External Size (W x D x H)
450 x 380 x 305mm
Wall/Door Thickness
Internal Size (W x D x H)
340 x 245 x 190mm