InstructIons for:
telescopic tRANsMissioN JAcK
MoDEL no:
thank you for purchasing a sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions
and properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.
1. sAFetY iNstRUctioNs
BeFoRe UsiNG tHis pRoDUct, pleAse ReAD tHe iNstRUctioNs cAReFUllY. MAKe cAReFUl Note oF sAFetY iNstRUctioNs,
WARNiNGs AND cAUtioNs. tHis pRoDUct sHoUlD oNlY Be UseD FoR its iNteNDeD pURpose. FAilURe to Do so MAY cAUse
DAMAGe AND/oR peRsoNAl iNJURY AND Will iNVAliDAte tHe WARRANtY. Keep tHese iNstRUctioNs sAFe.
2. iNtRoDUctioN & speciFicAtioN
rated capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800kg
saddle height (min.) . . . . . . . 1025mm
saddle height (max) . . . . . . . 1950mm
ram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-stage
saddle forward tilt. . . . . . . . . . . . . 42°
saddle backward tilt . . . . . . . . . . . 46°
saddle right/left tilt . . . . . . . . . . . . 12°
Base length/width . . . . . . .760/760mm
saddle length . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450mm
saddle width max/min . . .330/225mm
ensure all preliminary checks are carefully carried out before using the jack. immediately repair or replace damaged parts
(use authorised service agent). ensure use of
genuine parts only. Unauthorised parts may be dangerous and will invalidate the warranty.
WARNiNG! Use the jack on level and solid ground, preferably concrete. ensure that the floor over which the jack will be wheeled is swept
DO NOT use on tarmacadam, or any other soft surface, as the jack may sink or topple. Serious or fatal injury may result.
the jack in a suitable work area and keep area clean and tidy and free from unrelated materials. Ensure there is adequate lighting.
Before use ensure that the gearbox weight and size does not exceed the capacity of the jack.
Ensure that the vehicle is raised and stabilised at the correct height before attempting to move the jack under the vehicle.
Keep all unauthorised persons away from the jack during lifting, lowering and when transporting the gearbox on the saddle.
Maintain correct balance and footing. Ensure that the floor is not slippery and wear non-slip shoes.
remove ill fitting clothes. remove ties, watches, rings, and other loose jewellery, and contain and/or tie back long hair.
WARNiNG! ensure load is placed level and centrally on jack saddle and is fixed in place before attempting to lift, lower, or transport.
Lowering speed will vary according to the weight of the load and the release valve setting.
Always use load restraint chains, corner support bracket, and attachments to
stabilise and secure the load to saddle.
Ensure that the chain is tight and correctly positioned to effectively harness the load.
Always transport the jack with the saddle fully down in lowest position.
Diligence is required in ensuring that you continually monitor the operation until completed.
If the jack emits any abnormal sounds during use, stoP and contact your local service agent.
DISTANCE. DO NOT TRy TO hOLD OR STEADy JACK. Serious or fatal injury may result.
WARNiNG! Do Not operate jack if any parts are damaged or missing.
Do not exceed the rated capacity of the jack.
Do not place any part of your body within or under the jack during use.
Do not raise or lower the vehicle lifting platform whilst the transmission jack is being used.
Do not transport the jack, with or without a load, with the saddle in the raised position.
Do not get jack wet or use in damp or wet locations or areas where there is condensation.
Do not make any modifications to jack. Do not adjust or tamper with the safety valve.
Do not operate jack when you are tired or under the influence of alcohol, drugs or intoxicating medication.
Do not lift or support vehicles with jack, and do not use jack as a load sustaining device.
Do not use the jack for any purpose other than for vehicle transmissions.
Do not use jack without restraint chains and Do not replace chains with an inferior form of restraint.
Do not use brake fluid to top up hydraulic unit. use sealey hydraulic oil only.
Do not remove any labels from the jack. If labels are damaged or unclear replace them.
use qualified person to lubricate and maintain the jack.
Before storing ensure jack is clean, free of grease and oil and saddle is fully lowered.
the 800GtA telescopic transmission Jack has been manufactured to a high
specification and is equipped with a telescopic two-stage hydraulic ram for greater
range, precise load control and rapid lift. A foot operated pump system for raising and
lowering allows you to use both hands to position the saddle under the gearbox. It is
equipped with a wide base and with swivel ball bearing caster wheels, for stability and manoeuvrability.
the saddle tilts 12
left, 12
right and 40+
forward and backward for precise alignment.
Original Language Version
800GtA.V2 Issue: 2 - 23/10/09