background image

most parts of the UK. Before returning your product please call our technical helpline on 

01284 757505 

for advice and troubleshooting 


 If the jack is under guarantee please contact your stockist



De-commissioning the jack

Should the jack become completely unserviceable and require disposal, draw off the oil into an approved container and dispose of the 

jack mechanics and the oil according to local authority regulations.







Lift and twist

assist plunger



Pressure relief

valve DO NOT




cylinder shaft

(Viewed beneath tool tray)

Tension spring




Jack will not lift the load

1) Overloaded

2) Oil level low

3) Release valve not correctly closed

4) Air in system

5) Piston rod not functioning

6) Packing worn or defective

1) Be sure to use jack with adequate capacity

2) Top up oil level

3) Check and close release valve (fig.2)

4) Open release valve and pump the handle a few times.

Close valve and re-try (fig.2 and fig.1)

5) Clean and replace oil

6) Replace packing

Jack does not lift high enough 

or feels “spongy”

1) Oil level too high or too low

2) Worn seals

3) Air in system

4) Release valve not closed

1) Fill or remove excess oil

2) Return jack to local service agent

3) Open release valve and pump the handle a few times.

Close valve and re-try (fig.2 and fig.1)

4) Check and close release valve (fig.2)

Jack lifts poorly

1) Pump packing or valves malfunctioning

2) Oil is dirty

3) Air in the system

1) return to local service agent.

2) Replace oil

3) Open release valve and pump the handle a few times.

Close valve and re-try (fig.2 and fig.1)

Jack lifts but will not hold load 1) Release valve partially open

2) Dirt on valve seats

3) Air in system

4) Faulty seals

5) Packing worn or defective

1) Check and close release valve (fig.2)

2) Lower jack, close release valve. Place foot on front wheel

and pull up lifting arm to it’s full height by hand.

Open the release valve to lower arm (fig.2)

3) Open release valve and pump the handle a few times.

Close valve and re-try (fig.2 & fig.1)

4) Replace packing or contact local service agent

5) Replace packing

Jack will not lower completely 1) Unit requires lubrication

2) Piston rod bent or damaged

3) Jack frame/link system distorted due to

overloading/poor positioning

4) Air in system

5) Release valve partially closed

6) Jack spring damaged or unhooked.

1) Oil all external moving parts

2) Contact local service agent

3) Replace damaged parts or contact local service agent

4) Open release valve and pump the handle a few times.

Close valve and re-try (fig.2 & fig.1)

5) Check and fully open release valve (fig.2)

6) Replace spring or contact local service agent (fig.4 and


Jack does not lower at all

1) Release valve closed

1) Check position of handle twist mode (fig.2) and fully open

release valve.

Filler hole
