© Sealevel Systems, Inc. 5402e Manual | SL9233 8/2021
Optional Items
Depending upon your application, you are likely to find one or more of the following items useful for
interfacing the
ACB-MP+4.PCIe to real-world signals. All items can be purchased from our website
) or by calling (864) 843-4343.
Cables and Converters
DB25 Female to DB25 Male Extension Cable, 72 inch Length (Item# CA104)
The CA104 is a standard DB25F to DB25M serial extension
cable. Extend a DB25 cable or locate a piece of hardware where
it is needed with this six foot (72 inch) cable. The connectors
are pinned one-to-one, so the cable is compatible with any
device or cable with DB25 connectors. The cable is fully
shielded against interference and the connectors are molded to
provide strain relief. Dual metal thumbscrews secure the cable
Recommended for applications with data rates less than 1M
DB25 Female (RS-530) to DB37 Male (RS-449 DTE) Cable, 10 inch Length (Item# CA107)
DB25 Female (RS-530) to DB37 Male (RS-449 DTE) Cable, 10
inch Length. RS-530 was designed to replace the bulky DB37
RS-449 connector. The CA107 cable allows any Sealevel RS-530
adapter to be used in an RS-449 application.
DB25 Female (RS-530) to DB15 Male (X.21) Cable, 72 inch Length (Item# CA159)
DB25 Female (RS-530) to DB15 Male (X.21) Cable, 72 inch
Length. Converts the Standard DB25 implementation of RS-530
or RS-422 to the ITU-T X.21 standard pinout.
DB25 Female to DB25 Male (RS-530) Twisted Pair Serial Cable, 72 inch Length (Item#
DB25 Female to DB25 Male Twisted Pair Serial Cable, 72 inch
Length. Twisted Pairs provide increased data integrity in high-
speed serial applications. Recommended for RS-530
applications with data rates greater than 1M bps.
DB25 Female (V.35) to ITU-T ISO-2593 Style Connector (V.35) Cable, 72 inch Length
(Item# CA178)
DB25 Female (V.35) to ITU-T ISO-2593 Style Connector (V.35)
Cable, 72 inch Length. The CA178 converts the Sealevel DB25
implementation of V.35 to the ITU-T V.35 mechanical standard.