In a manual of this type it is impossible to give adequate space to the topic of water safety. For further information on
boating safety, visit USCGBoating.org or enroll in one of the excellent water safety courses provided.
It is your responsibility to be aware of and comply with all relevant safety regulations. For all water recreation or sport you
should have a reasonable swimming ability. Just as swimmers have a cardinal rule about not swimming alone, it is
strongly advised that you should never go boating alone. As a safety reminder, each Sea Eagle hull has a list of sugges-
tions printed on it for you to follow that we call Boating Safety Basics.
Boating Safety Tips
• Always wear a USCG approved PFD (life vest) at all times while on the water.
• Be aware of your local boating rules and regulations and abide by them accordingly.
• Check inflation levels each time before you go out and inflate your boat for a full 24 hours before undertaking long trips.
• DO NOT allow children to use Sea Eagle unsupervised.
• DO NOT consume alcohol while boating or operating a boat while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
• DO NOT drag your Sea Eagle over rocks or gravel if it can be avoided.
• DO NOT exceed the certified maximum capacities of this boat under any circumstance.
• DO NOT go boating alone.
• DO NOT use compressors, CO2 or compressed air for inflation, only use Sea Eagle recommended pumps.
• DO NOT use your Sea Eagle Boat as a personal flotation device as they are not rated for that use.
• DO NOT sleep inside of your Sea Eagle while on the water.
Safety Equipment
The type of water conditions you are on should determine the type of safety equipment that you should have on board.
For all types of boating we strongly recommend that every passenger wear a USCG approved PFD (personal flotation de-
vice) like a life vest. In most places this is a requirement by law, but from our point of view it is also an exercise of good
judgment to have a PFD for all passengers. Other important items to consider for all types of boating…
Drinking Water & Snacks: Boating is a physical activity that can work up both a thirst and a sweat and especially on a hot
or warm day it is a good idea to have drinking water readily available to you to prevent dehydration. Bring a good amount
of water for all passengers.
Extra Clothes/Layers: You never know when the weather can change and it’s a good idea to come prepared with extra
clothing. If you have a dry (waterproof) bag than we recommend storing them inside so they’re not damp in case of emer-
First Aid-Kit: The contents of the kit may vary depending upon your preferences, but make sure to carry a kit that reflects
the possible dangers for the conditions you are in.
Foot Pump/Repair Kit: Although our boats are both durable and rugged, it may be possible that you need to make a repair
while on the water in which case you’ll need the repair kit and the foot pump to re-inflate the boat. If this is your first repair,
you may also want to bring this instruction manual with you.
Sun/Rain Protection: A hat can protect both your face and head from the rain or sun. You may also want to carry sun-
screen with you as both the sun and the sun’s reflection from the water can do serious damage to your skin. If you are out
for prolonged periods of time you may need to reapply sunscreen as needed.
Whistle: Having a whistle readily available to you in case of emergency is a great way to attract the attention of others if
assistance is needed.
In addition to the equipment listed in this section, we strongly recommend the use of a helmet, gloves and rescue throw
lines/ropes when partaking in whitewater activities.
Always tell someone where you are going to be boating and what time you plan to return. Keep a cell phone in a water-
proof container that will float if it falls in the water.