Copyright © 2016 SDRplay Limited
SDRuno User Manual
9.6 Omnirig installation and set-up
You may already know about Omnirig and you may have already installed it on your system: if not please
download Omnirig from http://www.dxatlas.com/omnirig/ . Installation is straight-forward: just launch the
installer and follow the instructions. Omnirig can control up to two devices at once (and so SDRuno, see
below), RIG1 and RIG2; both must be configured in the Omnirig control panel. If your rig is not listed
among the available rig types, do a search on the web for a suitable rig description file, then add it to the
“Rig” folder, located inside the Omnirig installation folder. Some setup tips: for best responsiveness use
the higher baud rate your rig supports and set the polling interval to 100 mS. Please note that Omnirig can
also see non-physical devices thru virtual COM ports (other applications for example).
9.7 How SDRuno handles Omnirig
As you know SDRuno is a multi-instance environment; for better control and efficiency SDRuno filters all
the traffic from/to its VRX(s) to/from Omnirig thru an internal own “server”. The latter is created in the
SDRuno instance #0. Omnirig can control up to two devices at once; at a given time only one VRX, of
whatever SDRuno instance is allowed to connect to an Omnirig device (RIG1 or RIG2); a mutual
exclusion logic prevents overlaps. In short, up to two VRX can connect to Omnirig at the same time, one
per device.
9.8 Monitoring Omnirig status from SDRuno instance #0
A monitoring feature is available from SDRuno instance #0; go to Main->SETT->ORIG. Look at the bottom
label first: this is the status of the connection to Omnirig; if Omnirig is correctly installed the label must
show “Connected to OmniRig server”. If there are problems “Can’t connect to the OmniRig server” is
shown instead: if this is the case recheck Omnirig installation. For each Omnirig device, additional
information is shown (only RIG1 is described, the same applies for RIG2):
RIG1 Type:
Shows the RIG1 device type currently configured in Omnirig.
RIG1 Status:
Shows the RIG1 status reported by Omnirig; if there is an active working connection, the status is “On
Line”. Other statuses include “Rig is not responding” and “Rig is not configured”.
RIG1 Used By:
Shows which SDRuno VRX is currently connected to RIG1 (instance # and VRX #).