Flex the BUILDTAK with your hands to make the object loosen from the surface (when printing
smaller objects, a spatula can be used to help with the process).
Now it’s time to place the BUILDTAK back on the BuildPlate – precision is required! Help
yourself by placing the BuildPlate between the 2 metal axises on the printer. Make sure that the
BulidPlate touches both axises.
Now, do the same with the BUILDTAK and bring the 2 parts together – be careful your fingers
can get squeezed!
Check if the BUILDTAK and BuildPlate are perfectly aligned by placing the BuildPlate on the
Printer Base and rotating it 360 degrees.
If it rotates freely – great job! If not, you need to try to merge the BUILDTAK and the BuildPlate
again (don’t worry if it takes a few attempts to master the technique).
Afterwards, detach the BUILDTAK from the base of the BuildPlate.