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The following procedures should be followed when
testing installed static control surfaces:
2. Set the SCS 701 Analog Surface Resistance
Megohmmeter Kit on a table top or other stable
surface and place a test weight at the desired test
point as shown in Figure 5. Connect the test leads
to the meter using the right angle banana plugs at
the meter. Then connect one of the test leads to
the test weight and the other to the ESD GROUND
using one of the supplied clips.
3. Test the static control surface using the 100 volts
SURFACE TEST. Press the TEST button for 15
seconds, allowing the pointer to stabilize; record the
readings for each test point. If the reading is below
1 x 10
ohms, check the static control surface for an
alternate path to ground; correct and retest. If some
or all the readings are above 1x10
ohms, the static
control surface may be dirty. Clean the surface
using the manufacturer’s recommended cleaning
procedure. If the resistance reading is “infinite,” there
is an interruption (open) in the ground connection;
repair and retest.
Qualification of Installed Static Control Surfaces
[Measurement of resistance of the top surface to the
groundable point of the static control surface (RTS-
GP)]. GROUNDABLE POINT is the point at which the
grounding conductor is connected to the static control
surface; the GROUNDABLE POINT is most commonly
a snap (mats), a bolt (laminate), or a strip of conductive
foil tape (flooring). This QUALIFICATION measurement
is similar to those described in the test description
section and is used to verify the correct installation of
the GROUNDABLE POINT by the manufacturer or by
the user. While the test procedure is the same, the test
setup is slightly different; see Figure 5.
Evaluation of Static Control Materials
[Measurement of the resistance between two points
on top of a static control surface (RTS-TS), and the
resistance between a point on the surface and the
groundable point (RTS-GP)] Material measurements are
done to determine the intrinsic electrical properties of
static control work surface materials.
Note: Values obtained by these tests may not reflect how
a material will perform when installed as a static control
Material evaluations are typically done at two humidities
(12% RH and 50% RH) to determine whether the
electrical properties of the material are humidity-
dependent. If the low humidity test results are borderline
or not within the expected ranges, caution should be
exercised when using such materials in winter months or
in dry conditions. To assure test accuracy, a minimum of
six samples should be tested.
The test procedure is as follows:
A. Prepare a minimum of six samples of each material
to be tested as shown in Figure 6.
B. Clean samples per manufacturers recommended
cleaning procedures. Condition samples at 73°F
(23° C) and 50% RH for 48-72 hours. Note: Samples
must be maintained at the appropriate humidity level
throughout the test procedures.
D. Surface-to-Groundable Point Test: Test samples
per Figure 7, using both the 100 volts and 10 volts
SURFACE TEST ranges at 50% RH and record the
values as (RTS-GP).
Figure 5. Qualification tests of installed surfaces
Figure 6. Material evaluation sample configuration
Figure 7. Material evaluation surface to groundable test