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Analog Surface Resistance Megohmmeter Kit
Operation and Maintenance
October 2022
Made in the
United States of America
The 701 Analog Surface Resistance Megohmmeter Kit
includes a hand-held megohmmeter and accessories.
The kit has been specifically designed for evaluating
the resistive characteristics of static control surface
materials and testing installed surfaces as specified in
ESD Association Standards. The Megohmmeter has
four test functions which allow the user to measure the
resistance of a static control surface at either of two test
voltages, verify proper Megohmmeter performance, and
check the electrical continuity of the test set-up.
The Analog Surface Resistance Megohmmeter and its
accessories are available in the following item numbers:
Analog Surface Resistance Megohmmeter Kit
Concentric Ring Probe
Two-Point Resistance Probe
Handheld Electrode
Glove Constant Area and Force Electrode (CAFE)
Replacement Analog Surface Resistance
Replacement 5 lbs. Electrode
Replacement Test Leads
Features and Components
Figure 2. SCS 701 Analog Surface Resistance
Megohmmeter features and components
Figure 1. SCS 701 Analog Surface Resistance
Megohmmeter Kit
1. Main Selector Switch: The main function selector
switch allows the selection of desired test function.
2. TEST Button: This button engages the
Megohmmeter and activates the test function
3. OHMS Scale: This scale is used in conjunction
with the SURFACE TEST functions to indicate the
amount of resistance measured.
4. CONTINUITY Scale: This scale indicates the total
resistance of the test setup (meter, leads, weights,
and calibration plate) in the CONTINUITY TEST
5. BATTERY Scale: This scale indicates the charge
level of the main battery of the Megohmmeter in
the BATTERY TEST function by verifying the open
circuit output test voltage.
6. Test Jacks: These jacks are used to connect the
Megohmmeter to the test leads.
7. Mechanical Zero Adjust: This control is used to zero
the pointer.