3.
Take
your
the
points
installatio
4.
Your
cross
Determin
the
frame
perfect
fit
5.
Leveli
follow
thi
character
until
it
is
l
Rev:
In
r
Scotts
cross
‐
s
of
contact
w
on.
s
‐
member
wi
e
which
one
y
e
rails,
the
eas
t.
ing
your
cros
s
step
correct
istics.
Begin
level;
this
ma
nstallation
Manua
‐
member
and
where
the
cro
ill
sit
on
the
in
you
have,
and
siest
way
to
s
ss
‐
member
is
tly
can
result
by
setting
yo
y
require
a
lit
l
for
Standard
fron
Crossmemb
d
prepare
it
fo
oss
‐
member
w
nside
of
the
f
d
mock
the
cr
support
it
is
w
an
extremely
in
poor
hand
ur
level
on
th
ttle
trimming
nt
steer
ber
installatio
or
installation
will
be
welded
rame
rails,
or
ross
‐
member
with
a
jack.
y
critical
step
dling,
poor
ali
he
cross
‐
mem
g
to
make
fit.
on
cont:
n.
You
will
wa
d
to
the
fram
r
on
the
outsi
r
in
place.
If
y
o
some
final
p.
Take
the
ti
gnment
prop
mber
sitting
le
ant
to
wipe
o
e;
this
will
he
ide
dependin
our
crossmem
trimming
and
me
here
and
perties,
and
u
ft
to
right.
www.sc
off
any
oils
an
elp
to
insure
a
g
upon
your
a
mber
sits
on
t
d
grinding
to
do
it
right.
nsafe
driving
djust
the
cros
ottshotrods.com
d
wire
brush
a
solid
application.
the
outside
o
assure
a
Failure
to
ss
‐
member
f