ScorpionTrack Cat 5 Installation Guide V3 17.03.17
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Installation Guidelines
Unit Install
Wherever possible please avoid fitting the ScorpionTrack 5 unit near to vehicle ECU’s
or radio receivers and amplifiers. Make sure that the unit is not shielded by metal or
carbon fibre when installed as this will affect the range of the built in Radio
Frequency antenna for the driver cards. Ideally the unit should be mounted in the
passenger compartment, near to the driver’s side.
GPS Antenna
The GPS Antenna must be covert but mounted in a manner that will offer it a good
and clear view of the sky. Avoid fitting under the dashboard in vehicles with solar
glass – the bumper can be used as an alternative in this situation.
The antenna MUST NOT be shielded by metal
Please be aware that if signal strength is poor it can take up to 10 minutes to get
a satellite fix. Therefore commissioning should be done outdoors as the unit
cannot be activated without a GPS fix. The GPS antenna cable must not be coiled
excess length as this may cause interference.
The antenna wiring must be secured by cable ties wherever possible and the wiring
routed in a way that makes it as discreet as possible. The GPS connector should be
tightened to a torque of 1nm.
Permanent Ground Connection (-31) Black Wire
This connection should be made as close to the unit as possible. Try to avoid using
the same earth with any other system using a new and unused ground point and
treat for corrosion as required using the vehicle manufacturers recommended
Do not connect directly to the vehicle’s radio circuits as this may cause interference.