- Copyright ScopeDome - Poland
page: 6
The ScopeDome Arduino Card is a specialized PCB compa ble with the Arduino pla orm. The card and so ware allow to control any type of
observatory, not just ScopeDome produc on. Through the ASCOM
pla orm it
cooperates with popular telescopes. ScopeDome driver
has built-in communica on with the most popular cloud sensors and many weather sta ons. This allows the observatory to close
automa cally when weather condi ons require it.
b) To control the RollOffRoof or Clamshell observatory, only one module programmed as Slave is required.
a) Two ScopeDome Arduino Shield plates are required to control the dome. One programmed as Master, the other as Slave. The Master
system controls the dome, the Slave system controls the dome's shu er. The systems connect via radio via the BlueTooth module.
Basic func ons of the card
- communica on with a PC via the Internet (IP / Ethernet) or via USB
- rota ng the dome in CW or CCW direc on for a given number of encoder pulses
- opening or closing the observatory flaps (it is possible to control up to three flaps)
- dome Home Sensor posi on search
- coun ng the encoder pulses connected to the dome rota on motor
1. Info
c) The card can also be used as a simple relay controller controlled via the Internet or USB.
a) no pulses coun ng the posi on of the dome appear on the encoder for a set me
- Telescope AtHome sensor allows blocking the opening of the shu er or sliding roof when the telesckop is not parked
- the card protects the engines by not allowing too fast switching the direc on of movement of the dome or shu er
- hea ng control for the telescope's engines, electronics and mirrors
- together with the ScopeDome Cloud Sensor detec on of clouds and rain
- the card automa cally resets when it is suspended (so-called WatchDog)
- UPS ba ery voltage measurement and the shu er closing when the voltage is too low
- built-in Limit Switch connectors interrupt the motor control signal in hardware
Addi onal security
- enabling or disabling one of the relays
b) the dome posi on counter exceeds the programmed maximum value
- Open / Close sensors stop the engine when the shu er close or open signal appears
- the card automa cally turns off the shu er or roof control motors when the set me limit expires
the card automa cally deac vates the dome control engines when:
- the card detects a 230V power outage allowing the dome to be closed when powered by UPS
- a er detec ng clouds or rain it is possible to close the dome automa cally