The coding screens:
[AAA Models up to V6]
[All AA Models & AAA Models V7R or later]
[Additional screen]
Shown are the individual address numbers 1 to 6 for AAA models up to & including version
V6 and address numbers 1 to 8 for all AA models or AAA models from V7R onwards. Also
shown are the address enable state, On or Off & the 7-digit address ID or RIC. These are
followed by Freq: (RF frequency in Hz), CS: or FS: (channel spacing in Khz) and BR: or BPS:
(baud rate in Hz).
To modify these settings, move the cursor between address numbers by use of the ‘Up &
‘Down’ keys and to the right through each line using the ‘Read’ key. Once highlighted, alter
each option or digit as necessary using the ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ keys. Confirm each selection using
the ‘Read’ key. The cursor will then move to the next field. As the end of each line is reached
the cursor will move to the start of the next.
When you are happy with the settings, press the ‘Function’ key to confirm the changes.
If you are unsure about this procedure, please call for advice.