Sciencetech 75W Mercury Light Source Manual
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Important Notice
All electrical instruments may be dangerous if not handled in accordance with proper
instructions and common precautions. Sciencetech Inc. will not be responsible for any damage
caused by such units if instructions herein are not followed and repairs are not attended to or
performed by company-trained or licensed personnel. All instruments should be operated with
proper grounds on power line and should not be opened or handled as to electrical or
electrically operated components without being switched off and disconnected from power
Sciencetech Inc. reserves the right to make adjustments or improvements in its product
without notice and without obligation to subsequent purchasers and without being required to
make corresponding changes or improvements in products theretofore manufactured and sold.
We have done our very best in the manufacture and packing of this material. The
transportation carrier is now responsible for delivering it to you in its original good condition,
since all purchases are FOB London.
If the shipment is NOT delivered in good order and in accordance with quantity shown on
Bill of Lading or Packing Slip, have the shortage or damage noted by the Carrier on both the
delivery receipt and the freight bill, or by special form provided by United Parcel or the Post
The Interstate Commerce Commission has ruled that Transportation Companies will not
honor any losses or shortage claims unless exceptions are noted on the freight bill at the time
of delivery. It is the buyer’s responsibility to make a complete inspection immediately upon
receipt of purchased goods.
If you accept shipment from the Transportation Carrier short of what is enumerated on the
Bill of Lading – or in damaged condition – without having proper notation made by the
Carrier, you do so at your own risk.
If bundles or crates are in apparent good order, but on opening contents are found to be
damaged, call Carrier for adjuster to view same and have the Transportation Company/United
Parcel/Post Office mark the freight bill or packing slip relative to such concealed damage.
Make your claim at once for the Transportation Company/United Parcel/Post Office has
a limited time for presentation of claims.
We are willing to assist you in every possible manner in collecting claims for loss or
damage on this shipment, but this willingness on our part does not make us responsible for
filing or collecting claims or replacing materials. Claims for Loss or Damage on shipment may
not be deducted from out invoice, nor pay of the invoice withheld awaiting adjustment of such
claims, as we cannot guarantee safe delivery.
Important: Do not return goods to Sciencetech Inc. without written authorization!