The network switch serves to interconnect by cable
(shielded connection cables) computers or other
devices suitable for this purpose.
The network switch is designed for network
environments in which the network traffic and the
number of users is constantly increasing. The network
switch is ideal for workgroups with bandwidths of
10 or 100 Mbit/s with multiple high-speed servers.
The highest bandwidth is 200 Mbit/s (100 Mbit/s full
duplex) and each port provides an instantaneous
data line to a workstation for simultaneous access
to the server.
The network switch is the perfect choice for 10-
Mbps network locations that may be upgraded to
fast ethernet in future Ethernet workgroups can
connect with the switch and subsequently change
adapters and hubs without replacing the switch or
reconfiguring the network.
Any other type of use is considered to be unsuitable
and may result in personal or property damage (in
addition it may carry risks such as short circuit, fire,
electric shock, etc.). Schwaiger GmbHaanvaardt geen
aansprakelijkheid voor schade, die voortkomt uit een
niet doelgericht gebruik,niet correcteinstallatieof een
verkeerd gebruik.Inzulkegevallenvervaltdewaarborg
alsook de garantie).
The network switch is easy to install and use. There
is no required configuration or installation.