After an initial sweep search identifies the general direction of the pipe, the steel pipe joints or
transition points can be more accurately traced by the following procedure:
Set the Sensitivity control for maximum (XH indication).
Hold the locator vertically approximately 1 to 1-1/2 feet above the surface.
Walk along without turning or tilting the locator.
Mark the locations where the maximum signal levels occur.
Return to an area of maximum signal strength and hold the locator several inches
above the surface. The sensitivity will probably have to be reduced during this
second pass.
Four-inch pipes joints and transition points can be located at depths up to 11 feet.
Locating Steel Drums
As shown in Figure 25, MAGGIE’s signal pattern will vary depending on the vertical or
horizontal orientation of the drum and also how deep it is buried.
A fifty-five gallon drum can be located at depths ranging from 5 to 12 feet.
Figure 25: Signal Patterns provided by Steel Drums