schmersal SLB 400-C Скачать руководство пользователя страница 2


Operating instructions

Safety-monitoring module

SLB 400-C


1.6  Warning about misuse

In case of inadequate or improper use or manipulations of the 

safety switchgear, personal hazards or damage to machin-

ery or plant components cannot be excluded. The relevant 

requirements of the standards  13855 and DIN EN ISO 13857 

must be observed.

1.7  Exclusion of liability

We shall accept no liability for damages and malfunctions resulting from 

defective mounting or failure to comply with this operating instructions 

manual. The manufacturer shall accept no liability for damages result-

ing from the use of unauthorised spare parts or accessories.

For safety reasons, invasive work on the device as well as arbitrary re-

pairs, conversions and modifications to the device are strictly forbidden; 

the manufacturer shall accept no liability for damages resulting from 

such invasive work, arbitrary repairs, conversions and/or modifications 

to the device.

2.  Product description

2.1  Ordering code

This operating instructions manual applies to the following types:

SLB 400-C10-1R

Only if the information described in this operating instruc-

tions manual are realised correctly, the safety function and 

therefore the compliance with the Machinery Directive is 


2.2  Special versions

For special versions, which are not listed in the order code below 2.1, 

these specifications apply accordingly, provided that they correspond to 

the standard version.

2.3  Destination and use

In combination with one to four testable safety light barriers, SLB 

400-E50-21P (transmitter) and SLB 400-R50-21P (receiver), the SLB 

400-C10-1R safety-monitoring module is a non-contact safety guard to 

IEC 61496, type 4, for the protection of hazardous areas on power-

driven work equipment.

The user must evaluate and design the safety chain in ac-

cordance with the relevant standards and the required safety 


2.4  Technical data



EN 61496-1, DIN CLC/TS 61496-2, 

EN ISO 13849-1

Start-up test:



Start conditions:


Start-reset button, on/off coding

Feedback circuit:





glass-fibre reinforced thermoplastic



Snaps onto standard DIN rail to EN 50022



Screw terminals

Cable section:


max. 4 mm² 

(incl. conductor ferrules)

Protection class:


terminals IP20, enclosure IP40





24 VDC ± 15%

Max. fuse rating of the operating voltage:


1 A





0.3 A without additional transistor outputs and safety light 



Monitored inputs


max. 4 pairs of light barriers

Input resistance:


approx. 2 kΩ to GND

Input signal „1“:


10 ... 30 VDC

Input signal „0“:


0 ... 2 VDC

Max. cable length:


100 m of 0.75 mm² conductor



2 enabling paths

Utilisation category:


AC-15, DC-13







2 A / 250 VAC, 2 A / 24 VDC

Contact load capacity:


max. 250 VAC, max. 2 A (cos Ω = 1)

Switching voltage:


max. 250 VAC

Load current:


max. 2 A

Switching capacity:


max. 500 VA

Max. fuse rating:


2 A gG D-fuse

Signalling output:


2 transistor outputs, Y1 + Y2 = max. 100 mA, p-

type, short-circuit proof

Response time: 

≤ 25 ms

EMC rating:


conforming to EMC Directive

Max. switching frequency:


10 Hz

Overvoltage category:


II to DIN VDE 0110

Degree of pollution:


3 to DIN VDE 0110



10 ... 55 Hz / amplitude 0.35 mm, ± 15 %

Resistance to shock:


30 g / 11 ms

Ambient temperature:


 –20 °C … + 55 °C

Storage and transport temperature:


–25 °C … +70 °C



99.7 x 75 x 110 mm

2.5  Safety classification

(in combination with the SLB 400-E/R50-21P safety light barriers)



EN ISO 13849-1, IEC 61508



up to e

Control category:


up to 4



- up to max. 100,000 switching cycles/year:


3,08 × 10


/h at DC 

2 A; 

- up to max 50.000 switching cycles/year:


7,11 × 10


/h at AC 2 A 



up to 3

Service life: 

20 years

2.6  Basic principles for safe utilisation

Electrical influence of the machine or plant control system to be pro-

tected must be enabled. 

A switching command from the safety-monitoring module must cause 

the shutdown of the hazardous movement.

Settings and changes to the safety guard must only be carried out by 

authorised expert staff.

It must be ensured that a person cannot reach the danger point of the 

hazardous area before the hazardous movement has come to a stand-

still. As long as a person or a body part is within the danger point or the 

hazardous area, the machine must not restart. 

Actuation of command devices destined to the release of the machine 

or plant from outside the hazardous area must be impossible. The 

operator must have a complete overview of the hazardous area.

2.7  Functions

The safety-monitoring module has a dual-channel structure. It includes 

two safety relays with monitored positive action contacts. The series-

wired NO contacts of the relays build the enabling paths. The safety-

monitoring module has inputs to monitor testable safety light barriers, 

a start button, a feedback contact to monitor external contactors and 

an input for the soiling outputs of the safety light barriers. The status of 

these inputs is signalled by the yellow LED located next to the terminal. 

The safety function of the entire system is automatically checked, after 

each switch-on of the ESD and each manual test request (external test 

signal by actuation of the corresponding command device). In addition 

to that, a cyclic test is performed during operation.
