- Pull the parking brake
lever into park to put the parking brake on. This will
also lock the control handles. Push the parking brake
to "CUT" to limit the speed for maximum recom-
mended cutting speed. Push the parking brake to
"TRANSPORT" to allow for maximum speed.
The parking brake must be ON to start the engine.
It must also be ON to keep the engine running if the
operator releases the operator presence control lever
A fuel tank selector valve is
provided on the control panel.The fuel tank selector
valve has three positions:
: The tank selector is off when the lever points
toward the operator The selector should be off when-
ever the machine is transported or stands unused for
any length of time. Shutting off the fuel supply avoids
the possibility of flooding should any dirt get under
the carburetor float needle. Leaving the tank selec
tor in either tank position can allow severe flooding,
which may ruin the engine by diluting the oil.
Fuel flows from the tank when the selector is
turned 1/4 turn toward the left, when facing the valve.
: Fuel flows from the tank when the selec
tor is turned 1/4 turn toward the right, when facing
the valve. A small reserve is available in the event
the machine starts to run out of fuel. This reserve is
meant to allow you to drive your machine to a safe
place to refuel.
Located on control panel.
Parking brake in ON position
(operator's right side)