Before connecting everything up, choose the right location
for Loki Max. Loki Max isn’t like other equalizers. It’s an LC, or
inductor-capacitor, equalizer. This means it’s full of inductors—
or, in other words, coils that can pick up hum and noise from
transformers in other components. So, ideally, you want to avoid
stacking Loki Max on top of other gear, especially power amps
that might have large transformers inside.
The best place for Loki Max is:
1. Not stacked on other equipment.
2. On a well-ventilated shelf by itself.
3. Away from excess AC cabling.
4. Not near wall panels for AC distribution.
Basically—keep it away from other gear that may create magnetic
fields, and away from your house wiring that might do the same
Connect your sources. Connect up to 2 sources—one balanced
and one single-ended—to Loki Max’s inputs. You can connect Loki
Max either before or after your preamp. Connecting before your
preamp can allow for a lower noise floor. Connecting after your
preamp allows you to use more than two sources.
Connect the output. Connect the output of Loki Max to your am-
plifiers or powered speakers using the balanced or single-ended
Power it up, turn it up, and explore. Loki Max allows you a wide
range of control over the frequency response of your system—and
you have all that control available right at your listening chair, via
remote control. So sit back and tweak your system to your exact