Direction of rotation of milling spindle
To change direction of rotation of milling spindle use switch
“Motor - R/L”
. If motor is running the direction right or left is
shown through a green light in the switch. It is also possible to
change the direction of rotation when motor is running.
7.3 Integrated arm supports
To allow relaxed working the flexible three dimensional arm supports
are both individually adjustable.
To adjust the height loosen thumb drive
. To fix the arms bring
them into desired position and lock the thumb drive.
In addition it’s possible to fix the arm supports on their inner
side with the holding device by means of a hexagon socket
wrench w.a.f. 2.
7.4 Height adjustable milling table
In contrary of conventional milling machines the height adjustment
is not regulated through the milling arm but through the adjustable
milling table
This innovation allows working at constant eye level even with
different heights of models.
Magnetic platform
To fix the model table or other accessories in the center of the
magnetic platform an electro-magnet is placed
which is operated
via the operating unit (see point 7.2; page 10). There is a gap at the
magnetic platform
through which facings coming up when milling
(precious metal), dust or liquids can be removed. To clear the platform
you can easily take away the particles with a brush through the
paralle grooves.
The plate below
is destined to collect the particels and can
easily be removed and cleaned.