2.5 Electric connections
Remote control panel mounting
The remote control panel has the following dimensions:
width 135 mm.
height 116 mm.
It can be flush mounted on any surface, providing the area behind is free of moisture and condensa-
tion and there is enough depth to house the rear part of the panel (approx. 8 cm.).
To cut on the mounting surface will have the following dimensions:
width 115 mm.
height 97 mm.
Power Supplies
The power supply, coming from the 220 VAC electric group , needs to be connected to the apposite
terminals 220VAC provided inside the pump box. On the supply wiring must be installed an auto-
matic, 2 poles, circuit breaker with 5 ampere cutoff current and all the protection (including a differ-
ential switch) requested by the local law. The section of the cables will be 4 mm2 min.
The computer box will be powered 12-24V, directly from the service batteries or through a 230/12-24
Connections between the pump box and the computer box
2 cables P1/- (section 2,5 mm2) will connect the pump box with the computer box, and will provide
the start/stop command to the pump.
Connections between the computer box and pressure switch and electrovalve
The pressure switch, positioned on the watermaker, has to be connected to the clamps PS/PS in the
computer box (section 2,5 mm2). Any specific polarity is required.
The electrovalve, positioned on the active carbon filter has to be connected to the clamps EV/EV in
the computer box (section 2,5 mm2). Any specific polarity is required.
Connection between the computer box and remote panel.
Connect the remote panel to the computer box using pre wired cable supplied (standard length 10