Figur 2.1.2 Dimensions for establishing of thread holes.
2.1.c Mounting the Fork Bracket
The fork bracket is tightened with two screws, see below. Make sure the underside of the
little plate seen on the upper fork bracket is level with the top of the fork of the contact
wheel (see picture below). You can hold a finger on top of the support plate while fastening
the bracket.
Fig. 2.1.3 The fork bracket is mounted on the grinder.
2.1.d Mounting of roll holder.
Roll holder and justification part is mounted as seen below, left on fig. 2.1.4. Fasten the
justification part that is situated to the right by the M6-screw. Mantle then the grinding belt.
(grinding belts are given in sec. 5.1: Technical Data).
Check that the roll holder sits straight by measuring the distance between the cross bar of
the roll holder and the shaft of the contact weel in both sides. In case it is the right contact
disc that sits in the roll holder (corresponding to the thickness of the pipe to be notched)
you can just go ahead. Otherwise change contact disc. See section 3.4 for placement of
contact disc.