5 PC Interface Board
Rev. 1.9 e
10 Commands And Functions
innovators for industry
10 Commands And Functions
10.1 Overview
The following pages describe the complete RTC
command set (control commands and list
commands). The commands are listed according to
their intended use. The page numbers refer to
where the commands (alphabetically ordered) are
explained in detail.
10.1.1 Nomenclature
Multi-Board Commands
All commands marked (n_) in the following list also
exist in a version for multiple RTC
5 boards installed
in one computer. See
detailed information about these
Nearly all single-board commands are also available
in multi-board form. Exceptions are explicitly noted in
the description list (in
Normal, Short and Variable List Commands
and List Multi-Commands
The list commands of the RTC
5 command set vary
somewhat in their length of command execution. To
differentiate, list commands in the list description (in
) are designated as “normal”, “short”,
“variable” and “multi“.
• Normal list commands require a full 10
s clock
period for command execution.
• Short list commands require less time for
command execution and can therefore be carried
out along with the next list command, one
directly after the other within a single 10
s clock
period, during which control commands cannot
execute. In contrast, a short list command that
immediately follows a normal list command will
execute in the subsequent 10
s clock period.
The quicker execution of short list commands
reduces total list processing time. In addition,
during a polyline, the laser power can, for
instance, be varied or the IO ports can be
addressed (see
) between the
polyline’s individual mark vectors (see
), all without interrupting
polyline traversal (the laser remains on).
In contrast, if a specific time behavior is desired
s clock period), you can insert an additional
short list command to ensure that the next
command only executes in the following 10
clock period. Insertion of
(but not
insertion of
) will result in the inter-
ruption of polygonal traversal (the “laser active”
laser control signals are switched off).
Currently, up to 12 short list commands per 10
clock period are possible. However, the maximum
number can be lower, depending on the
workload of the RTC
5 board and the DSP
. Short list commands that alter the
output pointer (e.g.
) count as two commands. If the
maximum number is exceeded, a 10
s clock
period will be inserted (equivalent to an
additionally inserted
polygonal traversal the laser remains on)
A maximum of two short list commands per 10 µs
clock period are allowed before a normal list
command. If a normal list command succeeds
more than two short list commands, then the
short list commands will execute immediately and
the normal list command will execute delayed by
a 10 µs clock period.
The maximum number of currently up to 12 short
list commands may change in the future. For fully
future-safe applications, only one short list
command should precede a normal list
command. If necessary, you should explicitly
insert a
interrupt polygonal traversal).
• The command execution lengths of variable list
commands are dependent on additional param-
eters and the user application. Details are
provided in the corresponding command
• About list multi-commands, see
(1) On older RTC
5 boards where DSP version < 2
bits #16-23), only up to 8 short list
commands per 10
s clock period are possible. As of
RTC5OUT.out version 517 or lower, a
will be automati-
cally inserted for exceedances of the maximum number (polyg-
onal traversal is interrupted).