Avoid looking directly into the beam of light, as this will result in dazzling
Do not use the lamp near a naked flame
Fully charge the lamp before first use
During charging, the charge level can be read from the charging indicator. When the battery is
fully charged all four LEDs light up
Recharge frequently
Always replace the battery with an original SCANGRIP battery
Do not leave the battery flat, as this could render it INCAPABLE of being charged again.
The light source of this luminaire is not replaceable; when the light source reaches its end of
life the whole luminaire shall be replaced
Press and hold the power button while main light is on to start dimming. Release, press and
hold again to increase
Lowest and highest levels are indicated by flashing of the light until the button is released
When the lamp is turned off the lamp will remember the setting of the main light
// Power bank
Built-in power bank with USB outlet to charge mobile devices
Output: 5V, 1A
Capacity: 10000mAh
Undgå at se direkte ind i lysstrålen, da det vil medføre blænding
Anvend ikke lampen i nærheden af åben ild
Før lampen tages i brug første gang, skal den lades helt op
Under opladning kan ladetilstanden aflæses på ladeindikatoren. Når batteriet er fuldt opladt
lyser alle fire LED dioder
Oplad lampen hyppigt
Udskift altid batteriet med et originalt Scangrip-batteri
Efterlad ikke batteriet afladet over længere tid. - Batteriet risikerer at blive ødelagt pga.
Lyskilden på lampen kan ikke udskiftes; når lyskilden er opbrugt skal hele lampen udskiftes
Tryk og hold, mens hovedlyset er tændt for at anvende dæmperfunktionen. Slip, tryk og hold
igen for at øge lysstyrken
Den laveste og højeste indstilling markeres med et enkelt lysglimt, indtil tasten slippes
Når lampen er slukket, gemmes den sidst anvendte indstilling af hovedlyset
// Power bank
Indbygget power bank med USB-tilslutning for opladning af mobile enheder
Ladespænding/-strøm 5 V, 1 A
Kapacitet: 10000 mAh
WARNING - Risk of fire
Minimum distance from
lighted objects 0.1m
Discarded electrical products must not be disposed of together with household waste. Please
use recycling facilities. Ask your local authority or retailer for advice on recycling.
- The battery must be removed from the device before it is broken up
- The device must be disconnected from the mains when the battery is removed
- Please dispose of the battery safely
Kasserede elektriske produkter må ikke bortskaffes sammen med husholdningsaffald. Benyt
venligst genbrugsanlæg. Spørg din lokale kommune eller forhandler for genbrug rådgivning.
- Batteriet skal fjernes fra apparatet, før det ophugges
- Apparatet skal frakobles forsyningsnettet, når batteriet fjernes
- Batteriet skal bortskaffes på en sikker måde