The memory function
The SC 6800 saves up to 85 measurements. Together with each measurement (systolic,
diastolic and heart rate), the date and time are also saved. The measurement with the
longest residence time in the memory is assigned number 1. All other measurements
increment by one until number 85. Then the memory is full. The next measurement occupies
memory location 85. The measurement formerly at location 85 changes to location 84 (etc.,
82 .... 2
1). The oldest measurement formerly at location 1 is lost.
Delete a blood pressure value from the memory
Press the MEMORY button to view the blood pressure value you want to delete. Pressing
the 0/I-START button instantly (and holding it for at least 4 secs.) displays
dEL (for
"delete") and the number of the memory location
Press the 0/I-START button instantly and the value will be deleted.
Delete all blood pressure values in the memory
Remove the batteries for about 5 minutes to delete all memory entries, the time and date
Press the MEMORY button to display any blood pressure value. Pressing the 0/I-START
button instantly (and holding it for at least 4 secs.) displays
dEL (for "delete") and the
number of the memory location
Press the MEMORY button instantly and the LCD
dEL (for "delete") and ALL (for all memory locations).
Press the 0/I-START button instantly and all values will be deleted. Time and date are not
Instructions for measuring the blood pressure
In order to obtain comparable values, always measure the blood pressure under the same
conditions, i.e. in a relaxed atmosphere, not after the consumption of alcohol, not during a
meal and not after being exposed to physical or nervous stress.
If possible, make the measurement while being seated at a table and only with your left
upper arm stripped.
How to put the SC 6800 into operation /
Changing the batteries
Put 4 LR6 batteries in the compartment as
indicated on the back of the device. Preferably,
alkali batteries (LR6) should be used.
If the batteries are flat, an empty battery will be
displayed at the LC display above:
. The
battery needs urgent replacement because you
cannot use the monitor with depleted batteries.
Caution: Do not dispose of depleted batteries with the household waste. Also see
disposal note.