EKINOX 2 Subsea
– Hardware Manual
5. Interfaces specifications
5.1. Interfaces Overview
The Ekinox 2 Subsea series feature the following interfaces:
An Ethernet Interface
5 Physical RS-232/RS-422 serial ports (Port A to Port E).
Internal data logger
2x SYNC Outputs and 4x SYNC Inputs
5.2. Ethernet specifications
The Ekinox 2 Subsea features an Ethernet 100BASE-T interface. This interface is used for the device
installation and configuration through an embedded web page.
This Ethernet interface is a key feature of the Ekinox device as it provides the following services:
A Bonjour service used to easily discover any connected Ekinox and get its IP address
An embedded web interface used to configure the device and visualize output data
An FTP access to download logs recorded in the internal Flash memory
Five virtual serial ports Eth0 to Eth4 that support either UDP or TCP/IP protocols
5.2.1. Accessing the Ekinox web page
Thanks to the ZeroConf technology, you can easily access the web page using the Ekinox serial number.
Indeed, the Ekinox broadcast a web service so you can connect to the configuration web page using the
following address:
Where 02700001 is the device serial number. It can be found on a label located on the enclosure's right side.
If your web browser supports DNS Service Discovery such as Safari, you should directly see a link to all
Ekinox devices available on the network.
Note 1: Please, don't forget to append the last “.” character to get a valid URL address.
Note 2: For more details about the Ethernet interface capabilities, please read the Ellipse Ekinox and
Apogee Technical Reference Manual.
Browser Compatibility: SBG Systems recommend using latest version of Chrome, Safari or FireFox
web browser. Due to Internet Explorer limitations, only versions 9 and above are supported.