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Page 19
During measurement
The main screen during measurement is shown in Figure 11b. During measurement, the main
information about the measurement is displayed in the
Measurement Control
section of the
main screen: status (running/not running), start of the measurement (date and time), running
time, and quality. Below the Measurement Control, the hearth activity is animated with a small
symbolic beating heart and numerical value of BPM (Beats per Minute).
Heart rate (HR) is calculated from the last 10 seconds of measurement (this is the default
value. Under “Settings” menu interval can be changed from 5 to 30 seconds. In case less than
5 beats are detected in the HR value in this interval, “NA” will be shown instead of the HR
value. The HR value is furthermore limited to between 20 and 250. In case calculated value is
outside those limits, “NA” will be shown on the user interface.
NOTE: The BPM detector can report incorrect values in the presence of excessive noise. Please,
consider the shown BPM value as informative.
Mark Event
This option is accessible by selecting “Mark Event” from the application menu. A measurement
must be started to use this feature. The application offers the option to mark events or specific
moments during a measurement, e.g., when some activity is initiated, or when some
inconvenience is felt. The button for marking events is also available from the
on the main screen, next to the heart icon, after the measurement has been started. To
mark an event, select either a
predefined event
or a
custom event
. For predefined events, click
on one of the displayed icons and then on the save button (Figure 11c). For a custom event,
either enter the text into the text field or leave it empty and then click on the save button.
Saving the event will change the screen back to the “Overview”.
ECG REPORT can be generated either from the Mark Event menu or from the “ECG Reports”
menu. The option in the “Mark Event” menu is purely for convenience and produces identical
reports. Note that when triggered from the “Mark Event” menu, or from the ongoing
measurement in the “ECG Reports” menu, application MobECG will first wait until the desired
interval of measurement is recorded and only then start report generation.
Before generating the report, MobECG will present the “Additional report information” dialog,
where additional information for the physicians analysing the report, might be presented. Note
that information typed in the fields is optional, the information entered will be used only on the
report that is being generated, and will be only cached by the MobECG for the use in the same
dialog the next time a report is requested. This dialog also gives the option to change the default
interval length of ECG plotted on the report. Note that the report will include the ECG from ¹/₂
interval before the event to ¹/₂ of interval after the event is marked.
After confirming the dialog, the report will be generated in the background. When it is
complete, a notification will appear, with options for viewing or sharing the report. At this point
the report will also be stored on the PDA storage to be viewed or shared later. The default
storage location is in Documents/MobEcg/Reports/.
NOTE: All feeling icons may indicate potential hazard states.
The SAVVY system does not
prevent the consequences of the medical emergencies associated with the symbols.