2 Maintenance
2.1 Print Head Maintenance
Always turn off the printer before cleaning
It is essential to keep print head clean if you want the best printing quality. We strongly recommend that
you clean the print head when loading a new media roll. If the printer is operated in critical environment or
the print quality declines, you need to clean the print head more frequently.
Keep in mind these things before you clean TPH:
Keep the water away in case of corrosion on heating elements.
If you just finish printing, wait until the print head cools down.
Do not touch the print head with bare hands or hard objects.
Cleaning Steps:
Moisten a soft cloth or a cotton swab with ethyl alcohol.
Gently wipe the print head in one direction. That is, wipe it only from left to right or vice versa. Do not
wipe back-and-forth, in case dust or dirt attaches to the print head again.
Print head warranty becomes void if print head’s serial number is
removed, altered, defected, or made illegible, under any circumstance.