Coal Mining Infrared Camera
1. Movable spot
Select this and press menu(enter) key that the camera will
come into the temperature measurement condition, there will be
a cursor comes out at the middle of the screen, move the
camera or move the direction key to point the cursor to the
target, the target’s temperature value will be displaying on the
up of the screen. The “Spot2” and “Spot 3” is the same as
“Spot 1”.
2. Max. /Min. temperature
Select this and press menu(enter) key that there will be one
spot tracking the highest or lowest temperature in the area. The
area size depends on the green box. The user can change the
size through the combination key “left-up”, “left-down”, “right-up”
or “right-down”, and also the direction can be change through “
”, “ ”, “ ” or “ ”.
3. Isotherm
Select this and press menu(enter) key that the camera will
Spot 1