4. Pass the cables through the opening in the enclosure base.
5. Using wall plugs (screw anchors) and screws, fasten the enclosure base to the wall.
6. Connect the DTM, CKM and COM keypad terminals to the appropriate terminals of the
control panel communication bus (see Fig. 2). It is recommended that the unshielded non-
twisted cable be used for making the connection. If you use the twisted-pair type of cable,
remember that CKM (clock) and DTM (data) signals must not be sent through one
twisted-pair cable. The wires must be run in one cable. The length of cables must not
exceed 300 m.
Fig. 1. Opening the enclosure.
Fig. 2. Connection of the keypad to the control panel.
7. Connect the wires to the terminals of additional zones, if any detectors are to be
connected to them (the detectors are to be connected in the same way as to the control
panel onboard zones).