A trouble-free operation of a SAS AGRO-ECO boiler with an automated burner
and a fuel feeder depends on use of appropriate fuel or adapting a boiler operation
mode to available fuel.
Correct biomass selection not only guarantees economic fuel consumption
(effective fuel burning), but also reduces time required for boiler operation. A type
of biofuel and, to a large extent, its water content, is also of importance for achiev-
ing a boiler heating effect.
SAS AGRO-ECO boilers burn various types of fuel, including agricultural prod-
ucts, and this offers extensive possibilities to the user.
A basic fuel to be used in the automatic mode in the SAS AGRO-ECO heating
boilers is biomass in form of pressed wood granulate, or pellets, according to
EN 14961-2. Do not use fuel of granulation coarser than specified*, as such fuel
may hinder the feeder operation and damage it.
The SAS AGRO-ECO boiler
equipped with the automated feeder is not intended to be used with fossil fu-
Various grain (oats, rye, barley, wheat) or dry fruit stones (e.g., sweet cherry
or cherry, etc.) of parameters conforming to EN 14961-6 can be used as an
alternative (substitute) fuel, burning with similar effectiveness. Grain of poor quali-
ty, affected by diseases or obtained from crops grown on contaminated grounds,
can be used as fuel.
For correct burning of alternative fuel settings correct for a relevant type of fuel
must be entered into the boiler controller.
Basic output parameters together with technical and operational parameters for
SAS AGRO-ECO boilers are listed in Tab. 3, Tab. 4, and Fig. 6 and Fig 7.
In particular, during fuel loading or replenishment attention should be paid to undesira-
ble objects or stones that may block feeder mechanism.