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With a little care you can prolong the life of your furniture. The following
information is only intended as a general guideline. Please follow the
instructions to ensure maximum longevity of your Sarah Ellison furniture.
• Vacuum textiles regularly with an upholstery attachment to remove dust
and dirt.
• Place textiles out of direct sunlight to help prevent fading. Dark colors
and cotton fabrics are particularly susceptible to sun.
• Have upholstered items professionally cleaned annually.
• Rotate, turn and flutt cushions periodically to promote uniform wear.
• In some cases, spot cleaning can cause a ring or fading. It is best to
have the entire piece or cushion casing cleaned by a professional
upholstery cleaning service to ensure uniform results.
• If you decide to spot clean on your own, check the standard cleaning
codes to determine the correct type of product to use.
• Blot spills immediately with a clean, dry white cloth. Always blot from
the outer edges inward to reduce the chance of a stain ring. Avoid hot
water, which can set a stain.