Before each use visually inspect to ensure the product is in a serviceable condition and operates correctly. An
examination should be carried out at least every 6 months by a competent person or organisation authorised by
the manufacturer. These inspections should be recorded paying particular attention to areas of potentially high
wear such as attachment points, buckles, connectors and sewn joints. Inspect as follows:
Check for cuts, tears, and abrasions, damage due to deterioration, contact with heat, alkalis or other
Check for broken, cut or worn threads.
Check for cracks, distortion, corrosion, wear by abrasion, burrs, worn or loose rivets or screws,
discolouration caused by extreme heat (greater than 100° C) broken springs, frays or cuts, seizure of
moving parts, broken or missing components.
Immediately withdraw from service any items showing defects or that it has arrested a fall and the product
should not be used again until confirmed in writing by a competent person that it is acceptable to do so. The
user’s life depends on it. All repair work should be carried out by the manufacturer or with their authorisation.
No alterations/modifications to the equipment must be made without the authorisation of the manufacturer.
Lifespan - Webbing
This is difficult to estimate but we advise as follows: Do not use more than ten years after the date of
manufacture. Assuming you have used the correct storage. The working life can vary between a single use in
extreme circumstances (e.g. highly chemical environment, serious fall) to the maximum of ten years from date of
manufacture, depending on how the product is used. The working life will be reduced through age, general wear
and tear, abrasion, cuts, damage to component parts, inappropriate ancillary equipment, high impact load,
prolonged exposure to UV light including sunlight, elevated temperature (50° C max) exposure to some
chemicals (e.g. alkalis, etc.) or failure to store and maintain as recommended. This list is not exhaustive.
The working life of this product may be as short as its first time use in extreme conditions.
Lifespan - Metal
It is difficult to estimate this but as a guide we advise as follows: Maximum life indefinite. However working life
will be reduced through age, general wear & tear, damage to component parts, inappropriate ancillary
equipment, high impact load, prolonged exposure to corrosive atmosphere or chemical agents or failure to store
and maintain as recommended. This statement does not remove the need for users to check their items before
and after every use, and retire the device if it is not in a satisfactory condition, or taken out of service by a
competent person. This list is not exhaustive. Warning: the working life of this product may be as short as its first
time use in extreme conditions.
Storage & Transportation
After cleaning, store unpacked in a cool, dry, dark place away from excessive heat sources or other possible
causes of damage. Do not store wet. If a long shelf life is required it is advisable to store in a moisture proof
package (e.g. polythene bag) or the bag it is supplied in. The product should be kept safe and free from damage
during transportation to allow adequate protection of the product.
User Instructions
Do not use this product without having read carefully and understood these general instructions for use. For
complete information the user shall also read and understand the SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS for the actual
Climbing or Working at height is hazardous. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure understanding of the correct
and safe use of this equipment, to use it only for the purposes for which it is designed and to practise all proper
safety procedures. It is advised that a rescue plan is put into place before using this equipment. The product must
not be used outside of its limitations other than those described in the user guide, These are examples and there
could be many more. Failure to follow these examples could lead to death or injury.
SAR Products Ltd are not responsible for any consequences, whether indirect or direct or accidental, resulting
from the use of its products. If you are unsure and need advice about the correct use please contact us.
Who should use this equipment:
This equipment should only be used by a competent person or a person specifically trained in its use who is
under the direct supervision of a competent person. If unsure, seek professional training from a fully qualified and
competent instructor prior to engaging in any activity. You are responsible for your own actions. These
instructions do not replace the need for professional training.
SAR equipment and components for prevention of falls from height meet or exceed recognised European or
other International standards. It is the users’ responsibility to read and understand these instructions before use. If
this product is sold outside of the original country of sale, it is the reseller’s responsibility to supply this document
in the language of re-sale. It is mandatory that a Risk Assessment be carried out prior to any use and a rescue plan
be in place for any work at height. Always ensure that all components within a safety system are compatible and
comply to the relevant standards and allow the system to function safely. It is recommended that the viability of
any installation should be verified by a suitably qualified/competent person. If there is any doubt about the
compatibility of the products you have chosen please consult the manufacturer. Do not exceed loads either
specified by the manufacturer or loads derived from the specified MBS/WLL using a recognised factor of safety.
Use Requirements
It is the user’s responsibility to ensure understanding of the correct safe use of this equipment, to use it only for
the purposes for which it is designed, and to practise all proper safety procedures. Extreme care should be taken
when using this product near harmful chemicals, moving machinery, electrical hazards or near sharp edges and
abrasive surfaces. Wet and icy conditions may cause rope or webbing to become slippery. The manufacturer or
distributor will not be held responsible for the eventual damages, injuries or death resulting from an improper
use of this product.
Always keep the product clean and dry. Any excess moisture should be removed with a clean cloth and then
allowed to dry naturally in a warm room away from direct heat.
Rinse in clean cold water. If still soiled wash in clean warm water (max.40°C) with pure soap or a mild detergent
(within pH range of 5.5 to 8.5) You can use a washing machine but first place the product in a suitable bag to
protect against mechanical damage. Dry in a well aired area. NOT IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT OR WITH HEATERS.
Metal parts
The product may be cleaned regularly (or after every use in a marine environment) with a mild detergent.
Afterwards the product should be allowed to dry naturally. Moving parts may be oiled regularly with a light oil.
Make sure that lubricants do not come into contact with parts that rely on friction with rope and/or with textile
Meanings of Markings
The name, trademark or any other means of identification provided by the manufacturer
The batch or serial number
The month & year of manufacture
CE... EC logo followed by the number of the notified body
EN... European standard attributed to this PPE
Pictogram informing the user to read the instructions