This TV set has a built-in power supply protection circuit.
It is provided to protect the TV set in case of a power supply circuit malfunctions. When something abnormality
occurs during TV reception, the TV set goes to the stand-by mode.
When an abnormality occurs during TV reception, it causes pin 24 of the CPU to go continually Low(less than
0.75V) for about one second. The CPU detects that this has occurred and outputs the signal from pin 15 to
switch off the power supply lines.
Releasing the protective circuit and restoring power supply
To release the protective circuit and restore power supply, turn the power to the TV set OFF and then ON again
via either the main power switch or the ON-OFF button on the remote control. This will work only if the power
supply trouble was temporary. If there is permanent trouble such as a damaged circuit, power cannot be
restored and the circuit will have to be repaired.
Protection Circuit