(6901-002102 <02>)
200 mm
200 mm
100 mm
100 mm
For monitors with 100mm x 200mm or 200mm x
200mm hole spacing.
100mm x 200mm or
200mm x 200mm
Replace the existing
plate with plate
Select plate.
Remove the existing plate
from the head assembly.
Install monitor brackets.
Before you begin, hand thread screws into the threaded inserts on
the back of your Monitor to determine the correct screw diameter
(M4 or M6). Verify that there are adequate threads to secure
the brackets to the monitor. If you encounter resistance, stop
immediately and contact customer service.
Avoid potential personal injuries and property
damage! Use the shortest screw and spacer combination to
accomodate your needs. Using hardware that is too long may
damage your monitor’s internal components.