Remove the decorative drain flange, drain plug and gasket from
pop-up assembly. Do not remove the washer and lock nut.
Place the flange gasket onto the drain tube beveled side upward
and on top of the washer. Apply a ring of silicon caulking around
the top of sink drain opening. Do not use plumbers' putty.
Insert the threaded end of the assembly up from the under the sink
so that the top of the drain tube is through the drain opening.
Make sure the bottom of the drain tube is in the p-trap.
Completely thread the drain flange onto the top of the drain tube.
Hand tighten the locknut from under the sink.
Position the drain tube so the side hole in the pop-up faces you.
Place the drain plug into the drain tube so its bottom hole is in line
with the side hole of the drain tube. Place the short end of the ball rod
into the side hole of the drain tube and through the hole in the drain
plug and tighten the ball rod nut so the ball rod moves freely.
NOTE: Do not over tighten.
Rotate the pop-up so the ball rod faces the back wall and tighten
the lock nut giving it an extra 1/4 turn. Hand tighten the nut at the
connection with P-trap. Test the rod and pop-up plug by pushing the
ball rod up and down to see if it raises and lowers the pop-up.
If not reinstall the ball rod.
Slip your faucet's pop-up lift rod through
the holes at the top of the lift rod strap and
hand tighten the thumb screw. Push the ball
rod down so the drain plug is in the up position.
Slip the one leg of the ball rod clip onto the ball
rod and then slide the lift rod strap onto the ball
rod using the nearest hole. Then slide the
second leg of the clip onto the rod.Test the
pop-up for smooth operation and adjust the
strap if necessary.
The measurements shown are for reference only. Products and specifications shown are subject to change without notice.
www.santecfaucet.com | P: 310.542.0063 F: 310.542.5681