1. Never store the Sanitech in an area that is not heated. If the machine freezes the water inside will
expand and crack the coils. More than one hole in the coils is as sure sign of freezing.
Never operate the Sanitech in a temperature controlled environment like a meat locker or a
cold room where air is only recirculated and not exchanged.
If you want to clean these areas leave
the unit outside in the normal plant environment where you have natural or forced ventilation. You
can run the steam hose into the cold storage area. Extra lengths of steam hose are available for this.
Never use hot water on the intake of the Sanitech.
The Sanitech will accept cold or warm water
up to 140°. Do not use intake water above 140°F.
Never operate the Sanitech at a fuel pressure reading of 6 psi or greater.
Locking nuts have been
installed beneath the black knob on the LP gas regulator to prevent usage above 6psi. Removing these
locking nuts and operating at high fuel pressures can lead to incomplete combustion and the release
of carbon monoxide.
5. Never turn the pump on when water is not running through the machine. Water removes excessive
heat from the pump. Running the pump dry will cause pump failure.
6. Always have your employees wear gloves when using the Sanitech.
7. Freezing of the LP gas tank. When the tank starts to empty a moist film will start at the bottom of the
tank. As it empties further this film will become a frost. When the frost line reaches mid-tank you will
notice the fuel pressure on the gauge start to drop. This is the time to switch to a new tank. When your
old tank has heated back up to room temperature you can use it again. When the freezing starts to
happen quickly it is time to refill the tank. The larger the tank the longer you can go before freezing
8. Keep the nozzles free of dirt. When small amounts of dirt get into the nozzle you will notice a dis-
ruption in the flat fan spray pattern. You should remove the nozzle and tap it to remove the dirt. If
a large blockage occurs the ignition will terminate automatically.
Scale buildup.
The #1 cause of pump damage is scale from hard water building up in the heat coils.
Scale restricts the opening in the coils thru which the pump pushes the water. When scale buildup
becomes excessive you will detect a lower pressure at the nozzle due to a restricted water flow. If
you are in an area with hard water you should use a water filter (available from Sanitech) or descale
your machine on a regular basis.
Never leave the unit unattended with the pump “on”.
The pump will eventually overheat and
activate the thermal relief. Also, employees not trained on the Sanitech might use it.
Never hook the Sanitech up to a high pressure water line.
The Sanitech should be operated on a
water line that has normal city/county pressure. If you only use high pressure lines you will have to
use a pressure reducer on the intake of the Sanitech.