Printing-paper feeding
<0A> H or <10>D
Prints data in the printer buffer and feeds paper.
[Operation]: When no data is found in the printer buffer, paper is fed only.
Printing/paper feeding
<0D>H or <13>D
Prints data in the printer buffer and feeds paper.
When data preceding <CR> is not found, nothing is done,
When data + <CR> + <LF>, prints data + <CR>, and <LF> is ignored.
Double-size enlarged printing mode specification
<0E>H or <14>D
With the code entered, data is printed in double-size enlarged characters.
Double-size enlarged printing mode reset
<0F>H or <15>D
Resets the double-size enlarged printing mode by entering the code.
[Example of coding]
Lprint chr$(14);" ABC"; chr$(15);" DEF";chr$(13)
Enlarged size characters (7 x10)
Ordinary size characters (7 x 5)
<18>H or <24>D
Clears all the data stored in the data buffer and waits for the next data entry.
When SO, SI, ESC+"S" + n1n2n3n4 has been entered in the data buffer, the
function is cleared. However, ESC +"c", ESC +"R" + n performs a flag
operation when this command is entered, it is not entered in the data buffer,
so that the previous state is not resumed even when a CAN code has been