4. The dimensioning and manufacture of the refrigerant installation must be performed
by qualifi ed personnel with specifi c training in refrigeration techniques (authorized
installers), paying particular attention to:
- Evaporative coils are supplied with sealed ends without refrigerant charge or nitro-
gen load.
- The cooling pipe used in the installation must be copper suitable for its use in coo-
ling circuits.
- Before fi lling with refrigerant, cleaned dehydration and deoxidized of the entire
refrigerant circuit must be done.
- Both ends of the batteries (sealed points) must be cut before being welded to the
refrigeration installation pipe.
- The circuit must be equipped with all the necessary components to ensure func-
tionality and proper functioning of the entire DX system (compressor, condenser,
expansion valve operation control kit, fi lter, desiccant, etc...).
In order to ensure oil return to the compressor, it is recommended to design the suction
and gas lines, such that fl ow speeds of 2,6 m/s (horizontal pipes) and 5,2 m/s (vertical
pipes) will be achieved.
• A siphon must be installed with pressure head difference in mmWG greater than the
pressure provided by the fan, to facilitate draining condensate from the tray.
• The drainage system should have a minimum slope of 2%.